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Нужен хороший перевод предложения: any person can find himself in one of three situations: employed, unemployed, or out of the labour.

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any person can find himself in one of three situations: employed, unemployed, or out of the   labour -  любой человек может найти себя в одной из трех ситуаций: работающим, безработным или находящимся вне трудовой деятельности.

любой человек может найти себя в одной из трех ситуаций: в занятости (в работе, службе), в безработице, или в ситуации, не имеющий работы.

1) they arrived home early this evening. - why did they arrive home early this evening? - who arrived home early this evening? 2) the dog noisily barked all night in the garden. - where did the dog noisily bark all night? - who noisily barked all night in the garden? 3) he always nearly runs all the way to school. - what does he always do all the way to school? - who always nearly runs all the way to school? 4) he is almost never late for work. - why is he almost never late for work? - who is almost never work for work? 5) it was cold outside even though they were wearing t-shirts. - where was it cold? - who was wering t-shirts? 6) i took an umbrella with me as it was raining. - what did l take with me as it was raining? - who took an umbrella as it was raining? 7) i went to work today even though l felt ill. - how did l feel today? - who went to work today? 8) tom has to take exams next week so he is studying hard. - when does tom have to take exams? - who has to take exams next week? 9) the jewellery displayed in the exhibition belongs to the royal family. - what was displayed in the exhibition? - whom does the jewellery displayed in the exhibition belong to? 10) claire's exam results were the best in the school. - why were claire's exams results the best in the school? - whose exam results were the best in the school?

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