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Поставить в правильной ! отмечу как лучший ! when we leave school, the problems of choosing a future profession become especially (importance). some young people go to universities to learn the skills and (know) necessary for a future occupation and others start to work at once. there is a lot of (inform) on how to help young people to choose the proper profession based on numerous tests and trainings. already in universities it is (possibility) to notice that there are more girls at certain departments and practically only boys at other departments. why does it happen? choosing a certain profession men and women consider physical and (biology) factors because, for example, men are able to work as loading workmen while women will (simple) have no opportunity to work there as physical power is needed. at the same time men have all necessary qualities to choose female professions that those of a teacher at school or secretary are (tradition) considered to be. so, practically there are no female professions but there are professions preferred by women

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. more important или impotrant 2. to know 3. information 4.possible 5. biological  6.   simply7.  traditional

Когда твои занятии по ? твой учитель из великабритании?   1 my english classes are  дни недели когда идут уроки 

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