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Сделайте общими вопросами следующие предложения: our park is fine. the little boys are very quiet. her dress is yellow. john is a docker. we often sit in the park. there is a library in the park. she has a new dress. these people live in good houses. she dances well. they like to rest here. they eat three times a day. the railway goes over the ground. peter likes this girl. i want to rest.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Is our park fine? are the little boys quiet? is her dress yellow? is john a docker? are you often sit in the park? has she a new dress? are these people live in good houses? is she dance well? are they like to rest her? are they eat in three time? is peter like this girl? are you want to rest?

1the traditional town pattern is accepted by most town planners традиционный городской рисунок ( городская модель) принимается  большинством городских проектировщиков 2 a new hospital has been built near the airport -  новая больница построена рядом с аэропортом. 3 our conversation was being recorded by somebody. наш разговор кем то  записывался  4 the information was given to the police информация была передана полиции   5 this road isn't  used by people very often. эта дорога не используется людьми часто

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