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Напишите сочинение (10 предложений) тема"отзыв о кафе" написать надо в прошедшем времени! прошу ! (

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last saturday my friends and i were in a cafe. it is called "visit" and is located in pushkin street. when we entered, we noticed that the cafe was very untidy.   we walked to the table on the sticky floor of the hall. on the table there stood an ashtray with cigarette butts. we asked the waiter to take it away. then we made the order. we ordered 'french' roast and an apple pie for dessert. we were terrified when we tasted the meat. it was tough as a sole, and the cake was very dry and tasteless. we invited the chef and explained that the dishes were terrible. he apologized, but we refused to pay for that dinner and left the cafe. we do not recommend you to visit the cafe "visit" in pushkin street.

в прошлую субботу мы с друзьями побывали в кафе. оно называется "визит" и находится на улице пушкина. когда мы вошли, мы заметили, что в кафе было неопрятно.   мы прошли к столу по липком полу зала. на столе стояла пепельница с окурками. мы попросили официанта забрать её. затем мы сделали заказ. мы заказали жаркое   по-французски и яблочный пирог на десерт. мы были в ужасе, когда попробовали мясо. оно было жёстким, как подошва, а торт был сухим и безвкусным. мы пригласили шеф-повара и объяснили, что блюда были ужасными. он извинился, но мы отказались платить за такой ужин и покинули кафе. мы не рекомендуем вам посещать кафе "визит" на улице пушкина.

Under pumpkin enclose the paper to the insides of the pumpkin can be folded neatly and throw . cut the pumpkin stalk with cover sharp thin knife . trim angle that will not allow the lid to fall inwards. the hole must be so dimensioned that it can be push arm. then cut out the bottom and cleans spoon for ice cream core and seeds. if you do not have the spoons for ice cream , the most common approach spoon . felt-tip pen marks the spot for the mouth and eyes . cut out the contours of the eyes and mouth, make it very thin knife carefully and do not rush , because pumpkin can crack . funny " smiley " is ready . lubricate pumpkin sunflower oil that will stop premature spoilage and mold . set inside the pumpkin lantern or candle. to make a hanging lantern , use the same technology . the only difference is that the hole in the top of the pumpkin needs to be done . to hang the lantern could be , you need to wire . fixing wire must bend and secure the edges of pumpkin. here and ready main holiday decor . complete original home decorations , for example, out of the box with straw , evergreens , wreaths , etc. there is nothing that lifts the pre-holiday mood, like a beautifully decorated house and grounds near the house.

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