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Express the same english. 1.ты можешь взять любое яблоко из корзины. 2. в каждой из двух газет ты найдёшь информацию о новостях внутри страны и за рубежом. 3. мы можем поговорить с людьми, живущими в любом из домов на этой улице. 4.на тарелке два пирожных. возьми любое. 5. любой человек в нашем городе может побывать в центральном парке. 6. любая из книг на этой полке удивительна и оригинальна. 7. возьми верёвку за любой из её концов и потяни как можно сильнее. 8. каждое из этих двух слов означает одно и то же.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.ty can take any of the apple basket.2. in each of the two newspapers you will find information about the news in the country and abroad.3. we can talk to people living in any of the houses on this street.4. on a plate two cakes. take any.5. any person in our city can visit the central park.6. any of the books on this shelf is amazing and original.7. take the rope for any of its two ends and pull as hard as possible.8. each of these two words is the same.

1) he can't walk very fast because he has hurt a leg.

2) i can't get in because i have lost a key.

3) i know this story very well because i have saw the film.

4) i can't post the letter because i have not put stamp on it.

5) he can't stand up because he has ate too much.

6) they can't go on holiday because they have not saved money.

7) i know him because i have met him before.

8) we don't know how he is because we have not heard from him.

9) he won't take a cigarette because he has gave up smoking.

10) she can't get in because he has locked the door.

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