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Чтобы укрепить кости и зубы, нужно витамин с который содержится в землянике,апельсине,грейпфрукте,луке,капусте и зеленом перце. для кожи и тела нужен витамин е, он содержится в пщенице и орехах. чтобы не болеть нужно кушать фрукты и овощи. чтобы у вас хорошо работала нервная система нужно есть мясо,овсянку и хлеб. едя эти продукты вы получаете витамин в

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Ответы на вопрос:

Да для нервной системы нужно белки

1. this article must be translated by his friend without dictionary.

2. the front door has been locked.

3. they said their work had been finished in time.

4. my favourite cup was broken.

5.i think it will be forgotten very soon.

6. this book was translated last year.

7. you will be told when to come.

8. where will   a new library be built?

9. i wonder whether he will be listened to.

10. all the things have already been packed (by us).

11. they told us that question had been discussed that day.

12. when will   this theatre be built?

13. i was told to come at 5o'clock yesterday.

14. he will be sent my new address.

15. when was   your work finished yesterday?

16. the delegation was met at the station.

17.the newspapers are usually received   at 8 o'clock in the morning .

18. how many houses are built every year?

19. when will this letter be sent?

20. a ship was seen in the distance.

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