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Написать порфолио. в нем надо указать плюсы и минусы заповедников, зоопарков для животных. сочинение должно соостоять из 4 абзацов. 1) рассуждение 2) плюсы 3) минусы 4) вывод. надо

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there are a lot of opinions in the world about visiting zoos. zoo and reserve are as an attraction to people. many people like watching different kinds of animals in the zoo. we like looking and observing them. and some people don’t think that   the zoo can be harmful to animals. keeping the animals in the zoo has its benefits to people. we like viewing animals because it entertain us. we can watch animals with our own eyes and not  in television. it is interesting to see how they behave, move and make sounds to communicate to their own animals and to people as well. zoos are often used as places to preserve the endangered species, such as the giant pandas and tigers. thanks to zoos, certain species of animals have been saved from extinction. on the other hand, the zoo is harmful for   animals. when animals stay in the zoo, people are depriving them of freedom.   they don’t   live a normal life in the forests and fields. animals should stay in their normal habitat. we have the responsibilities to protect, nurture and preserving them in our environment. i think that a zoo has some useful purposes to serve: to preserve the endangered species, to educate the public about wildlife, and for its visitors to have fun. so a zoo of course is a useful place for us and we should have them.

Молодая девушка, златовласка по именам, живет в каком-то сказочном land.one говорят, что она (1 ходить) через forest.suddenly она (2, чтобы увидеть) небольшой house.she (3) стучать в дверь, но никто (4 ответить) .она (5 впереди) в и (6 идти) на кухню со столом и три стула вокруг it.she (7 есть) каши из каждой из трех пластин, которые (7 стоять) на стол и (8 пить) некоторые milk.at конце рассказа трех медведей (9 прийти) обратно домой, они (10 найти) ее спит в спальне, но она (11 разбудить) вверх (от 12 до прыгать) из окна и (13 для запуска) прочь.

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