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Перевести предложения в future simple 3,4,6 и future continuous 1. завтра в это время мы будем смотреть телевизор 2. студенты будут сдавать экзамены на следующей недели с 9 до 12 3. я поеду в москву через месяц . 4. ты будешь учиться в колледже или университете в следующем году 5. ты будешь завтра спать в 12 часов 6. она не сдаст экзамен в конце семестра 7. медсестра не будет измерять температуру завтра в это время

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. this time tomorrow we will be watching tv 2. students will pass exams next week from 9 to 12 3. i will go to moscow in a month . 4. you will study in a college or university next year 5. in you sleep 12 hours tomorrow 6. in it will not pass the exam the end of semester  7. the nurse will not measure the temperature this time tomorrow

1. ann asked the girls if they were playing volley-ball and said she didn’t know they had liked it 2. peter asked us not to touch those photographs and said that they were still wet and we might spoil them 3. fred asked me if my friend came there often and said he wanted to speak to her 4. my friend asked me how i had managed to solve that difficult problen in such a short time 5. the teacher told us we would be writig a test-paper the next day 6. kate said to nick that she had seen a new film the previous day. nick asked her if she had liked it. 7. prince john asked locksley why he was shouting and what his name was 8.  the teacher asked who had read ‘ivanhoe’ and whom it had been written by 9.  one of the pupils asked the teahcer of literature what novels we should read the next year 10. the frenchman asked if the river volga was in russia

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