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Задайте общий вопрос и 3 специальных вопроса к каждому предложению. переведите каждое предложение. 1.we went to school yesterday morning. 2 .she ate soup and friend meat for dinner two days ago.3.they sang songs with friends last sundays.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) мы ходили в школу вчера утром. did you go to school yesterday morning? 2) она ела суп и жареное мясо 2 дня назад. what did she eat two days ago? 3) они пели песни с друзьями в прошлую субботу. what did they do last saturday?

are the boys playing basketball?

is the girl wearing a green sweater?

is the girl eating an ice-cream?

are the boys making a snowman?

is the monkey dancing?

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