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Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple. 1. i … never … (hear) this story from my father. 2. he … (be) a reader of this magazine for years. 3. she … (be) ill last week. 4. i cannot tell you whether i like this book, as i … (not read) it. 5. my mother … (not come) home yet. 6. i … (be) there last year. 7. when … you last … (see) him? 8. i cannot give you this book as i … (give) it to ann. - when … you … (give) it to her? 9. the child … (be) quite all right for the last two weeks. 10. it is cold today. the weather … (change) since yesterday. 11. … you ever … (visit) this picture gallery? 12. i … (lose) my textbook and cannot remember when i last … (see) it.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i have never heard this story from my father. 2. he has been a reader of this magazine for years. 3. she was ill last week. 4. i cannot tell you whether i like this book, as i have not read it. 5. my mother has not come home yet. 6. i was there last year. 7. when did you last see him? 8. i cannot give you this book as i have given it to ann. - when did you give it to her? 9. the child has been quite all right for the last two weeks. 10. it is cold today. the weather has changed since yesterday. 11. have you ever visited this picture gallery? 12. i have lost my textbook and cannot remember when i last saw it.

1. has never flown

2. these

3. safiest


5. do not worry

6. по идее должно stand

7. your

8. do (не уверена)

9. noise

10. will reach


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