Play,in,we,games,our,stadium. составьте предложения

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We play games in our stadium

We play games in our stadium( вроде так)

21. a salad doesn’t come with your dinner, but you can order one a la carte (по выбору из меню). 22. i’m going to be sent as an attache (атташе) to three different countries this year. 23. tom is very naïve (наивный; простодушный) he trusts everyone. 24. pam’s parents are so bourgeois (буржуазный). all they ever do is talk about their money. 25. my company cut half its staff this year but the upper echelon (звено ) got huge bonuses. 26. only the elite (элита) attended the opening night in the opera. 27. i had a sense of déjà vu when i visited egypt. maybe i was there in a past life! 28. i sure hope they’re going to serve hors d’oeuvre (закуска) since we aren’t going to have dinner for an hour! 29. i’m going to call the concierge (менеджер по работе с постояльцами, гостями отеля) and ask him to get me two tickets for the opera this evening. 30. my favourite pastry is an eclair (эклер). i like to eat the ends off first, then eat my way toward the middle where i’ll find the most custard.

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