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if a person wants to be healthy: если человек хочет быть здоровым:

he must do sports. он должен заниматься спортом

he must keep fit - он должен держать себя в форме. 

he must do exercises. - он должен делать урпажнения.

he must eat more fruit and vegetables - он долеж есть больше вруктов и овощей.

he must not ear fast food- не долже есть фаст фуд.

he must not smoke - не долже курить

he must not drink alcohol - не должен пить спиртное

he must not take drugs - не должен принимать наркотики

my classmates must know what habits are good anв what bad. мои однаклассники должны знать какие привычки хорошие, а какие плохие. 

all bad habits can destroy health and life. - плохие привычки могут разрушить здоровье и жизнь.

these bad habits are: эти плохие привычки:

•smoking • drinking alcohol • taking drugs • physical inactivity • snacking • obesity • eating sweets • spending much time  working on a computer • skipping breakfast • sleeping too little • environmental influence • chaotic lifestyle

• курение • употребление алкоголя • употребление наркотиков • пассивный образ жизни • еда «на ходу» • объедание • употребление сладостей • длительная работа на  компьютере • пропускание завтрака • недостаток сна • влияние экологии • хаотический образ жизни

With shoes and trousers too big for him, and jacket too tight, moustache, bowler hat and walking cane the famous tramp portrayed by charlie chaplin as the little man suffering all unfair things of life. he produced a figure that would be immortal in film history. charlie chaplin was born in london as the son of a poor variety artist and appeared on the stage when was a child. during a tour of the usa in 1913 he was offered an engagement by the keystone film company. his role in the film “the tramp” made him world-famous during the 1920s. he also played in such films as “the child” and “the gold rush” produced by united artists, a film company he founded in 1919 together with mary pickford and others. chaplin continued his work when the “talkies” appeared and produced such film as “modern times” and his masterpiece “the great dictator”. after the second world war he settled down in switzerland. he died in 1977. although he became famous in the usa he remained a british citizen all his life.

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