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1.she care for soap operas.2.the futer film was a succes my friend has never travelled by car.3.there were three railway station in our town.4.it took us an hour to get to the airport.5.he couldnt find the money anywhere.6.somebody has stolen her bag.7.she had a lot of food.8.we started for london in the morning.умоляю ну жно к каждому предложению задать 5 вопросов.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. задаешь вопрос   к существительному  (who? what? ) 2. задаешь к глаголу (what he/she do? ) 3. задаешь вопрос к месту (where he/she go it) 4.вопросы на тему в предложении например 7. how many she had food? 5. чья вещь?   например 6: whose bag? все вопросы можно задать к любому слову в предложении, просто нужно поставить нужное вопросительное слово)

1 Had proposed

2 had left

3 had slicked

4 will have transferred

5 has just parked

6 has already caught

7 had unfastened

8 has met

9 has vacuumed


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