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Потрібно з не прямої мови перевести в пряму мову на ійській мові: 1. "did you go to the party last night? " jill asked. 2. "why are you laughing? " phillip asked 3. "how long does it take you to walk home from here? " asked 4. "will you land me some money? " lesley asked sara 5. "who it that man? " the old lady asked her husband. 6. "why did they miss their flight to canada? " paul asked. 7. "when will you visit your parents? " shella asked me.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Апо а то я не понемаю шо написано

1. mary is writing a letter to her mother now. a) is mary writing a letter to her mother now? (общий) b) who is writing a letter to mother now? (вопрос к подлежащему) c) what is mary writing to her mother now? (специальный) d) is mary writing a letter to her mother or father now? (альтернативный) e) mary is writing a letter to her mother now, isn't she? (разделительный) 2.  we are translating the text now.a) are we translating the text now? b) who is translating the text now? c) what are we translating now? d) are we translating or reading the text now? e) we are translating the text now, aren't we?

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