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:if you have ever been to a fair, when it was and what impression it made on you.who mends and repairs things in your family.if you have ever had a bargain buying something and how it happened.what in your opinion fortune-tellers do.when people may have sour faces or sour smiles.when and how often you use thread and needles.what your mother usually says when you drop a glass or a cup and break them.what you can spread bread with.

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скажи: если вы когда-либо были справедливыми, когда это было, и какое впечатление произвело на тебя. кто чинит и ремонтирует вещи в вашей семье? если вы когда-либо торговались и как это произошло? что по-вашему мнению гадалки делают. когда люди могут иметь угрюмое лицо или угрюмые улыбки. когда и как часто ты используешь нитки и иголки. что твоя мама обычно говорит когда ты роняешь стекло или кружку и разбиваешь их.в последнем предложении, я не могу понять смысл. 

English means much in my life. i think that it means much not only for me. many people in our country are interested in eglish.they learn and love it and they think the saim way as i do. not long ago computers and internet have appeared. when a man works in the internet he gets much information in english. when you want to set the definite program you meet with many sets in english. if you don`t know english you can`t understand the material. english enters to our everyday life. on the doors of the shops in our small town we can see the signs "open" and "closed". whenwe buy tv-sets and telephones we can get instruction and names written in english. i think that english in our life means much. certain people, who study english hope to become english men, go abroad, get rich and maybe see famous actors. is that really wonderful? maybe with the help of english they can fulfill their dream. to my mind studying english is very interesting and funny. english means much for me.

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