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Портрет человека с пятью доминантными и пятью рецессивными признаками.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,8(59 оценок)

человек с долихоцефалическим черепом, карими глазами европиоидного типа, длинными ресницами, круглым лицом, прямым и гладким подбородком и прямым носом, уши с приросшими мочками, без веснушек.

4,7(58 оценок)

1. Put on your coat and hat. It's cold outside, a strong wind is blowing. 2. Do you see the man on the corner? He's on us

looks. 3. Elena is coming for lunch today. - I haven't seen her for a long time. Has she changed a lot? - Not really. 4. When

the teacher explains the new rule, he usually writes examples on the board. 5. Do you hear anything? - I'm listening to

attentively, but I hear nothing, 6. Have you read this book, father? - From cover to cover. Good book, I

I'm going to read it again. 7. Who just left the room? “I don’t know, I didn’t see anyone. 8. By

on the way to work, I usually meet children who go to school. 9. I think you need to drink hot coffee,

before you leave. The evening is so cold. 10. Have you seen Maury today? - No, she's sick. She is already sick

ten days. P. What are you going to do after class? - I want to go to the cinema, - Don't leave, bet me, wait,

while I call you, - Okay. 12. Did you go to the movies this week? - No, I've been very busy lately. - you

should see the new film, we will surely like it. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”


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