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Надо! с ! перевести и заполнить таблицу this is what jack says about some special dates on his calendar. complete his calendar. grammar my birthday: it's on the height of the fourth month .this year i am 11 . christmas day: it's on the twenty-fifth of the twelfth month . new year's day: it's the first day of the first month . valentine's day: it's the fourteenth day of the second month . mother's birthday: it's on the eleventh of the third month . father's birthday: it's on the ninth of the sixth month . summer holidays start: they are on the twenty fifth of the seventh month .! тут таблица. 1 столбик april,sik jack's birthday 2 столбик 3 столбик

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Мой день рождения: в четвертом месяце. в этом году мне исполнится 11. рождество:   двадцать пятого числа двенадцатого месяца. новый год: это первый день первого месяца. день святого валентина: это четырнадцатый день второго месяца. день рождения матери: это одиннадцатое число третьего месяца. день рождения отца: девятого числа шестого месяца. начинаются летние каникулы: двадцать пятого числа седьмого месяца. 1 столбик january (январь): new year's day ( the first (1) of january). april,sik jack's birthday july (июль): summer holidays (the twenty-fifth (25) of july) october (октябрь): no events (мероприятий нет) 2 столбик february (февраль): valentine's day the fourteenth (14) of february may (май): no events augustм (август): no events november (ноябрь): no events 3 столбик march (март): mother's birthday (the eleventh (11) of march) june (июнь): father's birthday (the ninth (9) of june) september (сентябрь): no events (можно написать school (школа) december (декабрь): christmas day (twenty-fifth of december).


1) where do you live, in moscow. 2) when you have a vacation in january. 3) what do you like most about school? 4) my brother works at the hospital. he is a doctor. he gets up at twenty past seven. he works in the morning and afternoon. in the evening he does not work. in the evening he is resting. 5) your sister speaks french, no. she speaks german and her husband speaks english. 6) when do you get up? i get up at a quarter to seven. 7) when does your brother get up? gets up at twenty eight and your sister gets up at twenty eight and no. my brother goes to school and my sister doesn't go to school. she's not a student yet. she gets up at nine o’clock ov. 8) he does not wash his hands before eating. 9) this boy whistles in the classroom. 10) he does not play any musical instrument. 11) they play football and like to watch cartoons. 12) they like school holidays, especially summer .13) the girl’s birthday is december 31. 14) therefore, she receives many gifts.

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