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Как прочитать по буквами my name is tom iam elght. i go to school i can read and wrlte and coucnt.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Май нэйм из том. ай эм эйт. ай гоу ту скул. ай кэн рид энд райт энд каунт.

1 фото не понял.

2. Boy is sitting with a computer . He wears white and orange sweater. Boy wears his headphones.He is shoked and upset. Maybe he has just lost a game. Or he broked his computer. He is afraid maybe.


3. Girl is going by train. She is bored. She decided to look for the window. She is upset because she misses her town. Girl looks on trees and houses and drinks coffee.

(сорян, как смог)

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