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Переведи текст ,это отрывок из большого текста,лень дальше было писать( писала сама,так что будут если ошибки не судите. заранее ) the earliest record of this games goes back to 776 bc. the ancient games were held in honour of zeus the most important god for ancient greeks. according to the earliest recordis, only one athletic event was held in the ancient olympics-a footrace of about 183 metres, or the lengeth of the stadiom. a cook, coroibus of elis, was the recorded winner. only men were allowed to compete or watch the games. when the powerful, warlike spartans began to compete, they changed the programme of the games. the 18th olympics already included wrestling and pentathlon, and later games-chariot races and other sports. the winners of the games were heighly praised and honoured for their results. in 394 ad the gameswere officially ended by the roman emperor theodosius, who felt that they had pagan meaning.

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наиболее ранняя запись об олимпийских играх датируется 776 г. до н. э., но считают, что игры начались задолго до того. древние игры проводились в честь зевса, главного бога древних греков. согласно последним записям, только одно атлетическое соревнование проводилось на древних олимпийских играх - забег на около 183 м, или по длине стадиона. повар, коробиус элисский, был первым зарегистрированным победителем. только мужчинам позволялось участвовать или смотреть игры. когда мощные, воинственные спартанцы начали соревноваться, они изменили программу игр. 18 олимпийские игры уже включали реслинг и пентатлон, а позднее - гонки колесниц и др. виды спорта. победители игр были удостоены высокой похвалы и чести, их результатам. в 394 г. игры были официально закрыты римским императором теодосием, который считал, что они имеют языческое значение.

Thanksgiving is probably the most favorite american holiday. the history of the holiday started in colonial time. in 23. b. 1620   a group of english people who were unhappy with the way the church of 24. c. england was organized set sail from plymouth on a ship called the 25. a. mayflower. they wanted to found a new church in america.  after six weeks at sea, the 26. a. pilgrims landed at what is now plymouth rock, massachusetts. they had a hard winter and nearly half of them died. but the local indians provided seeds for the corn, which the europeans had never seen before. they also helped the english settlers to hunt and fish. fortunately the first year’s harvest was good. the english settlers wanted to thank both god and also the indians. so the governor declared a feast and invited the indians to join in. about ninety indians brought along fish, deer meat, 27. b. turkey, corn and pumpkin. they feasted with the english settlers for three days. the next year no thanksgiving celebrations were held, and it didn’t become an annual event until the 1780s. it was made a national holiday in 1863 by president 28. a. george washington. at that time the country was in the middle of 29. b. the civil war, and the president thought that the establishment of a national holiday would help to unite american people. today, americans celebrate this happy harvest festival on the fourth 30. c. thursday of november with much of the same food as had been eaten at the first thanksgiving.

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