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Составьте предложения с этими словами: student's interview a local group correspondent's information to be a serious student to have a hobby a musical intrument a busy manager to go to a theater to play the guitar to have a good sense of humour a local train

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Ответы на вопрос:

The student's interview was shown on tv. by the  correspondent's information a  local group of the green movement cleans the park every weekend. i am a serious student but i  have a good sense of humour  i  have a hobby: playing  a musical intrument. i  play the guitar. a busy manager has no time t o go to a theater. a local train took us to our country house.

Перевод: студента локальная группа информация корреспондента чтобы быть серьезным студентом иметь хобби музыкальная intrument занятый менеджер ходить в театр играть на гитаре чтобы иметь хорошее чувство юмора местный поезд



2) I must do my homework

3) I must drink more water

4) I mustn't eat too much ice cream

5) I must take off my shoes in the house

6) I mustn't touch my sister's CDs


2) mustn't shout

3) mustn't drink

4) mustn't keep

5) mustn't buy

6) mustn't use


I must listen teacher

I must help my mom

I mustn't shout at home, when my parents sleep

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