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:5. put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1. he … (sit) in a cafe, when i … (come) in. 2. my friend … (talk) to the teacher, when i … (see) him. 3. the boy … (fall) and … (hurt) himself while he … (ride) his bicycle. 4. she … (wait) for her sister when the rain … (start). 5. when the pupils … (hear) the bell, they … (get up) and … (leave). 6. while she … (play) the piano, i … (write) a letter. 7. he … (go) to the university when i … (meet) him. 8. our friends … (discuss) something when we … (interrupt) them. 9. my mother … (watch) tv when i … (come) into the room. 10. when i … (look) out of the window, i … (see) that it … (rain) hard and people … (hurry) along the street. 11. we … (leave) the house when the telephone … (ring). 12. i … (sit) on the river bank when my friends … (join) me. 13. when i … (come) up to him, he … (speak) to his friends. 14. we … (meet) her when she … (walk) home. 15. when she … (enter) the room, i … (stand) at the window. 16. i … (watch) tv when somebody … (knock) at the door. 17. she … (water) the flowers while her husband … (watch) tv. 18. when we … (enter) the room, he … (smoke and look) at the picture. 19. what … you … (do), when i … (ring) you up yesterday? 20. as he … (cross) the street, he … (slip and fall).

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1was sitting.came 2was talking.saw 3fell.hurt.was riding 4was waiting.started 5heard.got up.left 6was playing.was writing 7was going.met 8were discussing.interrupted 9was watching.came 10looked .saw.was raining.were hurrying. 11were leaving.rang 12was sitting.joined 13came.was speaking 14met.was walking 15entered.was standing 16was watching.knocked 17was watering.was watching 18entered.was smoking and looking 19what were you doing.rang 20crossing.slipped and fell

Have gone past simple

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