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Перевесити на язык иногда складывается такое ощущение, что рестораны открываются не для прибыли, а просто для развлечения самих хозяев. именно к такому типу относится ресторанный проект «мага шаш». уж забавные там цены для донецка. да и по формату это скорее кафе, чем ресторан. единственный нюанс - столики нужно бронировать заранее. если вам захочется просто так заглянуть сюда вечером, свободное место вряд ли найдётся.

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Sometimes there is a feeling that the restaurants do not open for a profit, but merely to entertain the hosts themselves. it refers to this type of restaurant project "shash magician." oh very funny there prices for donetsk. and the format is more of a cafe than a restaurant. the only caveat - the tables have to be reserved in advance. if you want to just look here in the evening, the space is hardly.

1) they buy apples every day. past simple: they bought apples yesterday future simple: they will buy apples tomorrow. present progressive: they are buying apples now. present perfect: they have already bought apples.   2) dima walked his dog yesterday present simple: dima walks his dog every day. future simple: dima will walk his dog in the evening. present progressive: dima is walking his dog now. present perfect: dima has already walked his dog.   3) oleg has already learnt the words present simple: oleg learns the words every day. past simple: oleg learnt the words last week. future simple: oleg will learn the words next week. present progressive: oleg is learning the words at the moment.  

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