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Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct form 1. david do the work. he is competent enough. 2. you take the last copy if nobody needs it. 3. i ask you to look after the child? 4. you tell us of the final diagnosis? 5. you never tell come to her mind. 6. a fool ask more questions than a wise man answer. 7. you trust me, and who knows, you need me one day. 8. helen grasp the idea, she have been thinking of something else. 9.1 never thought that they get lost in the area. 10. alexei .. sometimes forget things, but he always admit his fault, 11. smoke here? —no doubt you but you certainly not! 12. you lend me your bicycle for today? 13. you read this paper, it's not secret. 14. -, why she agree to join our party? — she be busy or unwell. 15. you please open the door? i ask you for such a small service? 16. you never go back to your past; you have got to move on.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1can 2 can 3 may 4 can 5 6 7 8 9 can 10 11 12 can 13 may 14 15 16 can

1.the flowers are being  watered every evening.   цветы поливаются каждый вечер 2. a nice present her for her last birthday.  - здесь нет 3. nick  will not be sent to moscow next week. ник не будет отправлен в москву на следующей неделе 4.the key had been  left with the clerk downstairs yesterday.   -  ключ был  оставлен    клерком внизу вчера. 5.   the truth had been told him  about his future.правда о его будущем была сказана им 6. the dogsare    loved in many families. собак любят во многих семьях 7. this film always is    saw  with great interest. этот фильм всегда смотрится с большим интересом. 8. they will be    met by a man from the travel bureau at the station tomorrow. -  они встретят человека, из бюро путешествий на станции завтра. 9. many houses were    burned during the great fire of london. -  многие дома были сожжены во время великого в лондоне. 10. the bone will be  gave to my dog tomorrow.   кость будет дана моей собаке завтра. 1.a report   will   be  maked by him   tomorrow. -отчет будет сделан им завтра. 2.    the teacher   wasn't    listen by  ann   attentively. -     учитель не слушался энн внимательно 3.the key from his room was   be lost   by him.  ключи от его комнаты были потеряны им 4.  an interesting article about paris    will be      wrote by her    -  интересная статья о париже будет написана ей 5.     this magazine  often  is  asked  for   by people - этот журнал часто просят люди

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