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Some people think that wars are 1)…, and that people will always be fighting with each other. i’m more 2)… on this point. the process of 3)… is going rapidly and soon we may find ourselves living in one huge country. we’ll wearing the same clothes, listen to the same music, and watch the same films. we certainly risk 4)… ethnic and cultural diversity, which is not good news, but, on the other hand, this means that there will be no grounds for 5) … and ethnic discrimination. there will be no boarders which need 6) …, so we’ll be able to dismiss (распускать, увольнять) the army. if the police work well and the law is fair and clever, we’ll get rid of criminals very easily. former policemen may work as rescuers or firemen, as occasionally we will still have some 7)… natural disasters and catastrophes. 8)… former policemen can work in schools and it will prevent any 9) … or 10)… there. avoid optimist, integrate lose religion protect expect, alternative fight, bully

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.unavoidable 2.optimistic 3.integration 4.to lose 5.religious 6.protection 7.unexpected 8.alternatively 9.fighting 10.bullying

1.  не знаю,  если честно : ( 2.   i don't think hobby to engage only with people my age. i think that hobbies can be practiced with any people and even one.  //  я не думаю, что заниматься хобби можно только с людьми моего возраста. я думаю, что хобби можно заниматься с любыми людьми и даже одному. 3.  i don't think it is impossible to devote energy to the hobby. i have energy to hobbies will be always, i love creativity and develop  // я не думаю, что нельзя посвятить энергию для хобби. у меня энергия для хобби будет всегда, я люблю творчество и люблю  развиваться. 4.  тоже  не поняла( 5.  yes, i agree. but teens can ask for money from the family, for which they need a hobby, if it is not too expensive.  // да, я согласна. но подростки могут попросить деньги у родных, на предмет который им нужен для хобби, если он не слишком дорогой. 6.  yes, i agree that doing a hobby you can develop useful skills  // да, я согласна, что занимаюсь хобби можно развить полезные навыки.

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