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Рассказ о своем животном как назвали , где

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Ярасскажу про своего животного, потом можно изменить: у меня есть трехцветная кошка(белый, рыжий и черный цвета), ее зовут маруся. она умная и ласковая кошка. она мягкая, она меня всегда понимает и любит. она умеет   обнимать двумя лапами как человек. она умеет подавать лапу , когда ты попросишь. а когда ты приходишь домой , она идет к тебе на задних лапах и обнимет за ногу и при этом не выпускает   когти. я люблю свою кошку.

Утебя кошка или собака и лучше  бы ещё кличку
4,6(11 оценок)

"lefty"in the story "the left-hander" is told about the emperor alexander 1 who, having visited england, saw the invention of a brilliant englishman-a steel flea. a little later, after the death of the emperor, this flea was found in his old things. he came to the throne nikolai1, . his best mechanic, lefty, managed to shoe a flea with tiny horseshoes, visible only through a microscope. tsar sent the flea-shaved lefty to england to show them russian craftsmanship. on the way back, left-hander dies from his addictive drunkenness. he argued with the half- will drink, die from too much alcohol. on his deathbed, he asked to tell the emperor that in england guns were not cleaned with bricks and that they were not cleaned in russia, because they were thus becoming worthless. he was a patriot, and even at death i thought about my people, and if it were not for the doctor who could not bring this to the king, the russians would have won the war. i really liked the feeling of patriotism of emperor nicholas 1, who wiped his nose at british masters, demonstrating that russia has its own craftsmen, better than theirs.

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