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Свыберите соответствующую форму глагола (present simple, future simple, past simple). 1. i usually 7 a.m. not to be late for the lectures. a) wake up b) will wake up c) woke up 2. the most famous scientists the university conference last friday. a) arrive b) arrived c) will arrive 3. he in 2010. but he is only a first-year student now. a) finishes b) finished c) will finish 4. jane university on the 25th of june next year. a) entered b) enters c) will enter 5. she always in the morning. a) will do b) did c) does 6. they at the station in time not to be late for the 10: 30 train. a) are b) will be c) were 7. as soon as you come you jim at the hotel. a) find b) will find c) found 8. we always the tickets in advance. a) book b) booked c) will book

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ав b a c b b a наверное так

A,b,b,c,c,b,a,a но я могу ошибиться

2)  he sometimes goes  to church3)  i am doing  my homework at the moment.4)  i read  the newspaper every morning5)  i am eating  my dinner now.

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