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Задайте все типы вопросов ко всем предложения 1)birds often sing in hte morning. 2)the children have drunk all the lemonade. 3)we are wearing gloves today. 4)the train stopped at the station in munutes ago. 5)he was a singer many years ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) birds often sing in the morning.

do birds often sing in the morning?

do birds often sing in the morning or in the evening?

birds often sing in the morning, don't they?

when do birds often sing?

who often sings in the morning?

2) the children have drunk all the lemonade.

have the children drunk all the lemonade?

have the children drunk all the lemonade or cola?

the children have drunk all the lemonade, haven't they?

what have the children drunk?

who has drunk all the lemonade?


3) we are wearing gloves today.

are we wearing gloves today?

are we wearing gloves or caps today?

we are wearing gloves today, aren't we?

what are we wearing today?

who is wearing gloves today?

4) the train stopped at the station a minute ago.

did the train stop at the station a minute ago?

did the train or bus stop at the station a minute ago?

the train stopped at the station a minute ago, didn't it?

when did the train stop?

what stopped at the station a minute ago?


5) he was a singer many years ago.

was he  a singer many years ago?

was he  a singer or an actor many years ago?

he was a singer many years ago, wasn't he?

when was he a singer?

who was a singer many years ago?





1) do  birds often sing in hte morning.  2) do  birds often sing in hte morning or in the afternoon.3) when do  birds often sing. 4) who does often sing in the morning. 5)birds often sing in hte morning, don't they.

1)have  the children drunk all the lemonade. 2)  have  the children drunk all the lemonade or coca-cola. 3) what have the children drunk. 4) who has  drunk all the lemonade. 5)the children have drunk all the lemonade, haven't they.

1) are we wearing gloves today. 2)are we wearing gloves or shirts today. 3) what are we wearing today. 4) who is wearing gloves today. 5)we are wearing gloves today, aren't we.

1) did  the train stopp at the station in munutes ago. 2)  did  the train or car stopp at the station in munutes ago. 3) when    did  the train stopp at the station. 4) who did  stopp at the station in munutes ago. 5)the train stopped at the station in munutes ago, didn't it.

1) was he a singer many years ago. 2)was he a singer or dancer many years ago. 3) when  was he a singer. 4) who  was a singer many years ago. 5)he was a singer many years ago, wasn't he


1. england was called albion by julius ceaser b ecause of the white cliffs on the english coast.  2.  different agricultural products  will be produced by them on their farm.3. new alloys for an important experiment are being developed in the plants research laboratory4. our place is covered by  green grass and beautiful flowers cover the ground in spring5.  history and art museums is iften visited by  students of our group

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