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4,8(42 оценок)

there are a lot of fires in the world now. people aren’t very careful with fire, but it is dangerous. i think that cause of fires is our incautiousness:   unquenched cigarette, abandoned fire. but sometimes the cause of fire is climate’s features.

in summer 1972 year was a high temperature, critically low humidity and very low rainfall. this year’s winter was soft, spring and summer without rain, temperature in the shade is above 30 degrees. this year temperature reached 35.7 degrees mark.over the summer in moscow fell 126 mm of rain.

in july in many regions of the central part of   russia began mass forest and peat fires. cause of these fires is people’s incautiousness.

it was very fearful fire! 19 villages burned down, 104 people died. don’t  leave fires in forests because forests are the lungs of our planet!

4,7(65 оценок)

4. овощи занимают: 400*1/5=80м клубника занимает: 400*1/8=50м вместе они занимают: 80+50=130м тогда картофель: 400-130= 270м 3. 50м - это 1/6 всего пути, значит весь путь будет: 50: 1/6=300м 2.75: 5=15м продали 1.переведем все в кг: 1д=3000кг+75кг=3075кг 2д=200кг+60кг=260кг 3д=2000кг+600кг+65кг=2665кг всего : 6000кг продано: 6000*40/100=2400кг

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