Описать на языке жанр фильма horror прошу 4 предложения хъ

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Horror films play on the audience's primal fears. this genre tries to  frighten the viewers. horror films are always scary. they are not recommended for emotional people and they have age limitation.

Horror films are unsettling films designed to frighten and panic, cause dread and alarm, and to invoke our hidden worst fears. they captivate and entertain us at the same time in a cathartic experience. horror films effectively centre on the dark side of life, the forbidden and strange and alarming events. they deal with our most primal nature and it's fears: our nightmares, our terror of the unknown, our fear of death, loss of identity.

Russia is a huge country. its territiory is really enormous. it occupies a large territory and when it is morning in one part of the country it's night in the  other. plant and animal world is also very rich. there are a lot of species of animals and plants that inhabit our country. it's impossible to name all of them and besides they are different in its different parts. the most famous ones are bears and birch trees which can be named symbols of russia.there are a lot of big cities and the most famous of them are of course moscow (the capital of russia) and st. petersburg. among other big cities we can name   rostov-on-don, kazan and many-many others which are by no means worth visiting. people of russia are open-hearted and friendly. they are used to live in peace because russia comprises many nationalities whose traditions and customs are different. i think that my native land is full of contrasts ant i love it very much.

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