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Перевести текст на язык. " книга, которую я прочитала, называется "мир, которого нет". она написана александрой звоновой в две тысячи восьмом году. в тексте говориться о дружбе, магии и любви. автор рассказывает нам о прекрасном магическом мире. из нашего реально мира туда попадает девушка кира. ей предстоит бороться на стороне добра вместе со своими друзьями. автор показывает нам разницу между искренностью и ложью, между добром и злом. главными героинями являются три девушки, три феи: кира, аня и кристина. в заключении автор говорит о том, что разница между добром и злом заключается в прощении. зло не умеет прощать и жертвовать собой ради других. мне книга понравилась. она наполнена событиями, магией и чувствами."

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the book, which i read, is called "the world, which is not". it was written by alexandra звоновой in two thousand eight."in the text it says about friendship, magic and love. the author tells us about the wonderful magical world. from our real world gets there she cyrus. she will have to fight on the side of good, together with their friends.the author shows us the difference between sincerity and wrong, between good and evil. the main characters are three girls, three fairies: cyrus, anna and kristina.in conclusion the author says that the difference between good and evil is in remission. evil does not know how to forgive and to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. i liked the book. she is full of events, magic and feelings."

the book which i read, is called "the world which is not present". it is written by aleksandra zvonova in two thousand eighth. in the text to be told about friendship, magic and love. the author tells us about the wonderful magic world. from ours really the world girl kira there gets. she should fight on the good party together with the friends. the author shows us a difference between sincerity and lie, between the good and evil. main characters are three girls, three fairies: kira, ania and christina. in conclusion the author says that the difference between the good and evil consists in forgiveness. the evil is not able to forgive and endow itself for the sake of others. the book was pleasant to me. it is filled with events, magic and feelings.

1.the competition (starts) tomorrow. there will (be) lots of participants, so it  (will be) difficult to win. 2. danny is a very good runner. i’m sure he (will get) through to the final. 3. liza is nervous and upset. she (has lost) her camera and she (is looking for) it everywhere now.

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