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Пассивный\активный залог 1) recycled paper is made from waste paper 2) almost all paper can be recycled paper 3) waste paper must be sorted 4)old newspapers are usually made into new newsprint

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) пассивный залог 2) активный залог 3) пассивный залог 4) пассивный залог

1) i'm not at home2) the pisture isn't on the wall3) my mother isn't an  engineer.4)this is not  my bag.5)they are not  beautiful.6)she has not  got a new dress.7)i've not got many friends.8)we've not  got pens.9)he hasn't  got a sister.10)it hasn't  got big ears.11)you can't play football.12)she can't ride a bicycle.13)i can't cook.14)they can't dance well.15)it can't fly.

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