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Актобе большой и красивый город. в актобе есть много достопримечательностей. это мечети, церкви, торговые дома, развлекательные центры, также имеются спортивные комплексы, бассейны, теннисный центр. в актюбинске проживает 233 599 человек. актобе является одним из культурным и индустриальным городов казахстана. переведите . на язык

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Aktobe is big and beautifel town. aktobe have lots of sights. they are mosques, churches, trading houses, entertainment centers, this town  also has sport complexes, pools, tennis center. in aktobe live 233599 people. aktobe is kazakhstan's  cultural and industrial town.

Aktobe is very big and beautiful city. in aktobe there are many attractions. it's mosques, churches, shopping centers, entertainment centers, there are also sports complexes, swimming pools, tennis center. in aktobe home to 233, 599. aktobe is one of the cultural and industrial cities in kazakhstan.

1. Tom has already read the book.

2. Have you seen the new film?

3. You have never been to London, have you?

4.  Ann has done her English homework.

5.  My parents have bought me a new notebook.

6. Mike has just left for Washington.

7. We have learnt a lot of poems recently.

8. I have never met your friend.

9. Have you taken my textbook?

10. My mother hasn't come back home yet.

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