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Вкаком ряду во всех словах все согласные мягкие? 1) пильщик, вяжете, сеня 2) вещами, тенью, беляки 3) весь, чесать, олеся 4) делить, светить, пилили

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ответ: 1)или 2) точно не знаю

1) he is at home,  is not he? 2) i'm drunk, am not i? 3) you can't help him, can you? 4) we mustn't do it,  must we?

5) they were at the party, were not they?

6) he will not be back, will he?

7) she could help us, could not she?

8) you have no mercy, have you?

9) we have some food, have not we?

10) he will be here, won't he?

11) it's not tasty, is it?

12) it was good, was not it?

Популярно: Английский язык