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Ответы на вопрос:

She goes to school every day. i always  help my mum in the kitchen. i like an ice cream. my dad usually comes back in evening. my friend and i don't speak spanish. 


1. i like summer.

2. my friend loves mary.

3. i usually go home at 7 o'clock.

4. my parents don't like cats.

5. i believe in music.

1. this time he is living in london. (present continuous active) сейчас он живет в лондоне.2. who were you waiting for when i came? (past continuous active) кого ты ждал, когда я пришел? 3. computers will be taking decisions for us in the future. (future continuous active) в будущем компьютеры смогут принимать решения за нас.4. his friend’s telephone number was forgotten by him. (past simple passive) - его номер телефона был забыт.5. by the time i got to the plane it had already taken off. - (past perfect active) к тому времени, когда я добрался, самолет уже взлетел.6. in a fortnight’s time we will have taken our exams. (future perfect active) через две недели мы сдадим все экзамены.7. the rooms were cleaned yesterday. (past simple passive) - комнаты были убраны вчера.8. the translation is being done now. (present continuous passive) - перевод делают сечас.9. the test had been finished when the teacher came. (past perfect passive) - когда учитель вошел, тест уже был сделан.10. the apple pie will have been baked by 2 o’clock in the afternoon. (future perfect passive) - пирог будет приготовлен к 2м часам дня.

Популярно: Английский язык