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Ответить на вопросы по тексту the united states of america the usa is the most powerful and highly developed country of the world. it is situated in the central part of the north american continent. its western coast is washed by the pacific ocean and its eastern coast is washed by the atlantic ocean and the gulf of mexico. the usa is separated from canada in the north by the 49th parallel and the great lakes, and from mexico in the south by a line following the rio grande river and continuing across the highlands to the pacific ocean. the total area of the usa is over 9 million square kilometres. the continental part of the usa consists of the highland regions and two lowland regions. the highland regions are the appalachia mountains in the east and the cordillera in the west. between the cordillera and the appalachian mountains are the central lowlands which are called the prairie, and eastern lowlands called the mississippi valley. the principal rivers of the usa are the mississippi, the longest river in the world (7,330 km) and the hudson river. the climate of the usa differs greatly from one part of the country to another. the coldest climate is in the northern part, where there is heavy snow in winter and the temperature may go down to 40 degrees below zero. the south has a subtropical climate, with temperature as high as 49 degrees in summer. the population of the united states of america is about 250 million people, who are called americans. most of the people live in towns and the population of the countryside is becoming smaller and smaller. for many decades the usa has been the place where lots of people sought refuge from persecution for political or religious beliefs. that's why in america there are representatives of practically all racial and national groups. there are about 25 million negroes in the country and a little over half a million indians. the capital of the usa is washington. it is situated in the district of columbia. washington is a beautiful administrative city with practically no industry. the usa is a highly developed industrial state. its agriculture is also highly mechanized. there are coal-mines in the cordillera mountains, in the kansas city region. iron is mined near the great lakes. the usa has rich oil-fields in california, texas and some other regions. it occupies one of the first places among the countries of the world for production of coal, iron and oil. the usa has a highly developed motor-ear industry. it would be no exaggeration to say that cars have become the symbol of american way of life. the vehicles produced at such companies as ford and the general motors are known world-wide. the motor-car industry is concentrated in and around detroit. ship-building is developed along the atlantic coast and in san francisco. the textile industry is to be found in the north-east and in the south of the country. the usa has a highly developed railway system. it also has the best network of roads in the world. they are called highways. the usa is a federal country of 50 states and the district of columbia. the political life of the country has always been dominated by the two major parties: the democratic party and the republican party. at an election time they contest presidency and the majority of seats in the congress. the congress is the highest legislative body of the country. it consists of two chambers — the house of representatives and the senate. the president, elected by the whole nation for four years, is head of the state and the government. questions: 1. what kind of state is the usa? 2. where is it situated? 3. what is the usa washed by in the east and in the west? 4. what is the usa separated from canada by? 5. what is the total area of the country? 6. what are the principal rivers of the usa? 7. what is the population of the country? 8. where do most people live? 9. what did many people seek in the usa? 10. why are there representatives of all racial and national groups in america? 11. where is the capital of the country situated? 12. is the agriculture in america highly mechanized? 13. what raw materials is america rich in? 14. what has become the symbol of american way of life? 15. where is the motor-car industry situated? 16. where is the textile industry to be found? 17. has the usa a highly developed railway system? 18. how many states are there in the usa? 19. by what party has the political life in america been dominated? 20. what do the two parties contest at an election time? 21. what is the highest legislative body of the country?

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1. what kind of state is the usa?   the usa is the most powerful and highly developed country of the world. 2. where is it situated?   it is situated in the central part of the north american continent. 3. what is the usa washed by in the east and in the west?   its western coast is washed by the pacific ocean and its eastern coast is washed by the atlantic ocean and the gulf of mexico.  4. what is the usa separated from canada by?   the usa is separated from canada in the north by the 49th parallel and the great lakes.  5. what is the total area of the country?   the total area of the usa is over 9 million square kilometres.  6. what are the principal rivers of the usa?   the principal rivers of the usa are the mississippi, the longest river in the world (7,330 km) and the hudson river.  7. what is the population of the country?   the population of the united states of america is about 250 million people, who are called americans. 8. where do most people live?   most of the people live in towns. 9. what did many people seek in the usa?   for many decades the usa has been the place where lots of people sought refuge from persecution for political or religious beliefs. 10. why are there representatives of all racial and national groups in america?   for many decades the usa has been the place where lots of people sought refuge from persecution for political or religious beliefs. that's why in america there are representatives of practically all racial and national groups.  11. where is the capital of the country situated?   the capital of the usa is situated in the district of columbia. 12. is the agriculture in america highly mechanized?   the usa is a highly developed industrial state. its agriculture is highly mechanized. 13. what raw materials is america rich in?   there are coal-mines in the cordillera mountains, in the kansas city region. iron is mined near the great lakes. the usa has rich oil-fields in california, texas and some other regions. it occupies one of the first places among the countries of the world for production of coal, iron and oil.  14. what has become the symbol of american way of life?   it would be no exaggeration to say that cars have become the symbol of american way of life.  15. where is the motor-car industry situated?   the motor-car industry is concentrated in and around detroit.  16. where is the textile industry to be found?   the textile industry is to be found in the north-east and in the south of the country.  17. has the usa a highly developed railway system?   the usa has a highly developed railway system. 18. how many states are there in the usa?   the usa is a federal country of 50 states and the district of columbia.  19. by what party has the political life in america been dominated?   the political life of the country has always been dominated by the two major parties: the democratic party and the republican party. 20. what do the two parties contest at an election time?   at an election time they contest presidency and the majority of seats in the congress.  21. what is the highest legislative body of the country? the congress is the highest legislative body of the country.

Агата Мэри Кларисса Кристи, возможно, самый известный в мире писатель детективов. Написала 79 романов и несколько пьес. Ее продажи превышают продажи Уильяма Шекспира. Однако за ее 4680000 слов стояла до боли застенчивая женщина, жизнь которой часто была одинокой и несчастной.

Она родилась в 1890 году в Девоне, третьем ребенке Клариссы и Фредерика Миллера, и выросла в красивую и чувствительную девушку с золотыми волосами до пояса. Она не ходила в школу, но получила домашнее образование у матери. Ее отец умер, когда ей было 11 лет, и она, и ее мать были убиты горем.

Во время Первой мировой войны, работая в амбулатории больницы, она узнала о химических веществах и ядах, которые оказались для нее очень полезными в ее дальнейшей карьере. Она написала свой первый детективный роман «Таинственное дело в Стиле» в 1920 году. В нем она представила Эркюля Пуаро, бельгийского детектива, который появлялся во многих последующих романах. Другим ее главным детективом была пожилая старая дева по имени мисс Марпл.

В 1914 году, в начале войны, она вышла замуж за Арчибальда Кристи, но брак оказался несчастливым. Это длилось недолго, и в 1926 году они развелись. В том году в ее жизни произошла двойная трагедия, потому что умерла ее очень любимая мать. У Агаты случился нервный срыв, однажды ночью она бросила машину и таинственным образом исчезла. Она пропала без вести на 11 дней и в конце концов была найдена в отеле в Харрогейте на севере Англии. Интересно отметить, что именно в то время, когда она так сильно страдала, она написала один из своих шедевров - «Убийство Роджера Экройда».

Агата отчаянно хотела уединения, поэтому у нее возникли очень горькие чувства по отношению к средствам массовой информации, потому что в газетах ей было тяжело из-за ее срыва и исчезновения. Она была полна решимости никогда больше не позволять им входить в ее личную жизнь, и она полностью погрузилась в работу. 25 ноября 1952 года в Лондоне открылась ее пьеса «Мышеловка». Сегодня, более 40 лет спустя, он все еще работает. Это самое продолжительное шоу в мире.

У нее был очень счастливый второй брак с Максом Маллоуэном, археологом. Ее детективные навыки ему в раскопках в Сирии и Ираке. Успешно укрывшись от всеобщего внимания, она в конце концов обрела счастье с любимым мужем. Она мирно скончалась в 1976 году.

Agata Meri Klarissa

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