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Imagine you are a traveller. think and write about a journey you have had. was your journey long or short? where did you go? how did you travel? what did you see? were you happy or sad to come back?

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i had a rather short journey. i decided to go to vienna for the weekend. i went there by airplane. from the airport to the hotel i took a taxi. in vienna i decided to visit the most famous and fascinating monuments and historical places. first of all, i visited stephansdom. it is the main cathedral placed in the city center. also i visited catacombs. it was so scary! then i went to schonbrunn. it was a royal palace. i was amazed by its beauty. there was a zoo on the territory of that palace. i liked it very much because the animals who live in there don't have cages at all. after i had an excursion around the city center. in the afternoon i went to naschmarkt. it is the oldest market in vienna where you can find all types of exotic fruits, fresh fish and austrian specialities. at the end of the day, i visited a hundertwasser house where he worked and lived. hundertwasser was an extraodinary austrian painter. on sunday i had to go back to moscow. i was sad to go back because i wanted to visit many other places but i didn't have enough time for that. 

it was a long journey( было длинное путешествие)

i traveled to paris ( я ездил в париж)

we had a long drive to the sights of all remove the camera.(мы долго ездим по достопримечательностям всё снимаем на камеру.)

a lot of beautiful places of hotels, parks and fountains.(много красивых мест, отелей, парков и фонтанов)

i really liked it i had lots of fun and i really want to come to paris again.(мне понравилось мне было весело и я хочу приехать в париж ещё раз.)

откройте скобки. дайте два варианта следующих предложений. используйте, чтобы позволить sb сделать sth и позволить sb сделать sth.1.костя (чтобы позволить, чтобы) его двоюродный брат (чтобы использовать) свою камеру в подгорцы.2. мама (не позволять, не пускать) алина (заниматься серфингом в интернете) уже давно.3."интересно, мама (позволить, пустить) меня (пойти) в олешский замок? "мэри подумала.4. учитель (не позволять, не пускать) своих учеников (прятать) в замке.5. роберт (чтобы позволить, чтобы) его младшая сестра (чтобы увидеть) экспонаты, которые являются свидетелями средневековых времен.6. родители (не разрешать, не пускать) детей (останавливаться) в замке на ночь.

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