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Продлить предложения, используя слова в скобках. 1. marijuana is grown in small plots (domestically). 2. outdoor plots can be found in some parks and forests (national). 3. production of drugs has been geared to supply markets in the united states (illegal). 4. growers use modern technology to produce marijuana (more potent). 5. these crops are grown by peasant farmers in asia (independent).

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1.marijuana is grown domestically in small plots. 2.outdoor plots can be found in some national parks and forests. 3.production of drugs has been geared illegal to supply markets in the us. 4.growers use more potent modern technology to produce marijuana. 5.these crops are grown independent by peasant farmers in asia.

Winter  storms   can destroy the work of a whole year.зимние  штормы  могут погубить работу всего года. on the  waves, through the bad weather and the darkness, until the end.по  волнам, сквозь ненастье и мрак до конца. the  ship   sets sail tonightсудно  должно выйти в море уже этой ночью.

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