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the economy — is the science, studying regularities of our life.economists study the system in which we live and the conditions that influence on it.

they describe the economic events and deduce the economic laws and formulas.the science called «the economy» is connected with the material needs and requirements of the humanity.the subject “economy” is not separated from the other disciplines.on the contrary, it is closely connected with its.so, you cannot learn the economy without studying economy statistics, mathematics, marketing, and history.besides the science “economy” is enough comprehensive and includes some other disciplines: finance and credit, accounting, trading business, economic management and so on.the economic professions vary according the world progress.for example, a specialist in the sphere of economy should also be well qualified user of the computer and know the foreign languages.

at nestlé japan, we recognize (глагол pres simp) the strategic importance of how to find   (инфинитив simple)   customers’ unconscious problems to create   (инфинитив simple)   innovations, and implement   (инфинитив simple) training (герундий simple) to strengthen   (инфинитив simple)   this ability through our innovation awards. the innovation awards are (глагол pres simp) initiatives through which all employees are encouraged   (глагол pres simp pass) to think   (инфинитив simple) deeply about their customers’ problems and solutions for them, and implement   (инфинитив simple)   them. the process helps (глагол pres simp) all employees improve   (инфинитив simple)   their ability to find   (инфинитив simple)   and solve problems. it also has (глагол pres simp) another important aspect in terms of training (герундий simple) , which is (глагол pres cont) improving (герундий simple)   the judgment of management. this is (глагол pres simp) the ability to look   (инфинитив simple) for diamonds in the rough amongst the many ideas submitted to the innovation awards and to polish (инфинитив simple)   them. through the innovation awards, members of management at nestlé japan can (глагол pres simp) improve   (инфинитив simple) their ability to recognize   (инфинитив simple) good ideas, no matter how small, and grow   (инфинитив simple) them into real business opportunities. the number of applications for the innovation awards has increased (глагол pres perf) rapidly in the five years since its inception. some ideas generated from them already contribute (глагол pres simp ) to the growth of our businesses.

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