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Определите функции окончания «s», «es», т.е. является ли оно признаком: а) множественного числа имени существительного; 6) притяжательного падежа имени существительного; в) глаголав 3 лице единственного числа (present indefinite active), the optimum temperature for germination and growth varies with different finds of crops.

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Varies -в ) finds -a ) crops -a )

Frankly speaking, "drug addicts" is one of the most widespread issue that bothers all the humanity. besides, this topic is also essential for the citizens in my town. people should be awared of the consequences and must know how to cope with them. indeed, all the drug addicts are thought by people to be that kind of personality, who recquires a medical treatment. in my opinion, we all should equal drug addicts with a usual human. therefore, there are plenty of medical corporations devoted to the coping with the drug addiction. personaly i think that we must introduce some free clubs for all the drug addicts, where they can develop and do their best! however, the varietry of other people do not want drug addicts to be cured. as according to the amount of addicts who recquire some money, it might be beyond the governmental budget. people do not care about other lifes, they want to be these money used in a more alternative way. as a conclusion, i would like to tell you my own attitude to the drug addicts. in my opinion, we should help all the people withou considering their age, sex or wage. i wish there were more medical corporations!  

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