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Надо на писать по языку сообщения: у меня есть брат. его зовут данил. данилу полных 8 месяцов. у него коричневые волосы,маленькие ушки,губки алые,глаза серые,а носик маленький.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave got a brother. his name is danil. he is eight months old. he has brown hair, little ears, red lips, grey eyes and little nose.

Ihave brother, daniel by name. he is 8 months. he has brown hair, little ears, red lips, grey eyes and little nose

1) ask your friends when he will teach me to play this game. 2) we can go out when you are ready. 3) wed like to know when mother will take us to the cinema. 4) they will go abroad when summer comes. 5)please tell me what they will do next month. 6) i'll tell you everything when we finish the work. 7) well play football outside when it becomes warmer.

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