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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i have done a lot of work today - сегодня я сделал много работы. 2. the tomatoes haven't ripened yet - помидоры ещё не поспели. 3. maxim  has been to america several times - максим был в америке несколько раз. 4. i haven't spoken to him since the moved to london - я не разговаривал с ним после того, как он переехал в лондон. 5. alexander hasn't phoned me for nearly a week - александр не звонил мне неделю. 6. i have never tasted bananas - я никогда не пробовал бананы.

1. she does not have to wear glasses.

2. we don't often dine out.

3. they don't have a lot of money.

4. i’ve not got a lot of friends.

5. neither of them is busy.

6. all of them are not happy.

7. i don't usually have lunch in my office.

8. let’s not have another drink.

9. either way is not good.

10. never put off till tomorrow what can be done today.

11. they did not quarrel yesterday.

12. don't do it!

13. he was never fond of going to strange places.

14. i don't love doing grammar exercises. - neither do i.

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