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Соотнесите слова из рамки с соответствующими им определениями: business, to plan, company, manager, to lead, career, status, to control, entrepreneur, management, to organize 1) the technique, practice, or science of managing, controlling or dealing with sb, sth; 2) the members of the executive or administration of an organization or business; 3) a social or professional position, condition, or standing to which varying degrees of responsibility, privilege, and esteem are attached; 4) a profession or occupation chosen as one’s life’s work; 5) the owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits; 6) an affair, matter; serious work or activity; a trade or profession; an industrial, commercial, or professional operation; purchase and sale of goods and services; 7) a person who directs or manages an organization, industry, shop, etc.; a person who controls the business affairs of sb; a person who has a talent for managing efficiently; 8) to think carefully about sth you want to do in the future and decide exactly how you will do it; 9) to form (parts or elements of sth) into a structured whole; coordinating; arranging methodically or in order; 10) to show the way to (an individual or a group) by going with or ahead; to guide by holding, pulling, etc.; 11) to command, direct, rule, regulate; 12) a business enterprise

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12 определений и только 11 слов. для этого не хватило слов. 1) management 2) status 3) career 4) entrepreneur 5) business 6) manager  7) to plan 8) to organize 9) to lead 10) to control 11) company 12)

1)-6 2)-8 3)-12 4)-7 5)-10 6)-4 7)-3 8)-11 9)-5 10)-9

The american system of school education differs from the system in some countries. there are state supported public schools, private elementary schools, and private secondary schools. only public schools are free. elementary educations begins at the age of six with the first grade to the eighth grade. the elementary school is  followed by four years of the secondary school or high as it is called. besides giving general education, some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find job in industry and agriculture. some schools give preparatory education to those planning to enter colleges and universities.  американская система школьного образования отличается от систем в некоторых других стран. существуют государственные средние школы, частные начальные и частные средние школы. бесплатны только государственные средние школы. начальное образование - для детей с 6 лет, с первого по восьмой классы. за начальной школой следуют 4 года средней  или, как её называют, старшей школы. кроме основного общего образования некоторые средние школы обучают предметам, которые могут быть полезны тем ученикам, которые надеются найти работу в области промышленности и сельского хозяйства. также есть школы, которые обеспечивают подготовку тем, кто планирует поступать в колледж или университет.   

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