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Youmustrunyoumustswim здесь нужно : разделить цепочку на слова, раставить знаки препинания и узнать что написано!

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Ответы на вопрос:

you must run, you must swim.

ты должен бежать, ты должен плыть.





you must run,you must swim.

вы должны прыгать,вы должны плавать.

1. are you interested in football? the last match between holland and germany was very interesting (interesting, interested). 2. we are deeply disappointed with the lecture. the way the lecture was read was disappointing (disappointed, disappointing). 3. the news was absolutely surprising . everybody was surprised (surprising, surprised). 4. it was really a terrifying experience. they were terrified (terrifying, terrified). 5. their parents were greatly shocked . the information about the children was shocking (shocking, shocked).  6. the noise was absolutely frightening . we were  frightened   to death (frightening,  frightened).  7. this lecture was really  boring  . the listeners were  bored  (bored, boring).

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