Переведите предложения на : 1)сколько у нас молока? 2) не стоит приходить будучи больным. 3) она заснула делая уроки 4) я не смог придти вчера, но я смогу придти завтра 5) я боюсь, что не смогу придти завтра 6) простите, но здесь нельзя курить 7) если ты закончил работу, ты можешь идти домой 8) не трогай собаку, она может укусить тебя 9) он сделал это в школе, потому что у него нет времени в школе 10) тебе не следовало бы делать так, но тебе не нужны мои советы. ! !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. how much milk do we have? 2. you shouldn't come when you're sick 3. she fell asleep while doing her homework. 4. i couldn't come yesterday, but i will be able to  tomorrow 5. i am afraid that i won't be able to come tomorrow 6. i am sorry, but you cant smoke here 7. if you have finished your work, you can go home 8. don't touch the dog, it can bite you 9. he did this excersise at school, because he has no time at school 10 you should not do it, but you don't need my advice.

i like spring very much. when i have my holidays in spring i enjoy myself. it is very great to have holidays in spring. to begin with i shall walk with my friends if the sun shines brightly in the sky. i enjoy the blue sky and even spring rain. the spring rain is warm and pleasant. i shall watch fresh leaves and blossoms on the trees.   i feel stronger and kinder in spring. secondly i can go to countryside and have a walk in a forest or by a river with my best friend in spring.   we enjoy playing ballgames.   sometimes we can lie in the sun and watch the clouds.   sometimes we can swim in a river if the water is warm enough. and at last if you do not like nature you can play your computer and enjoy your free holiday time.

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