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Как правильно сказать на "я обязательно ему сообщение"

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Iwill pass on a message to him.

Спальная комната - Bedroom

A bedroom is a room where a person takes his time to relax and sleep. People usually change in there, but sometimes, people improvise and play board games like chess and monopoly. A bedroom is usually a quiet place.

Ванная комната - Bathroom

A Bathroom is a room where people take a bath and shower. Some people get ready to go somewhere by getting their hair done.

Вопросы о Спальной комнате - 1. What do people do in a bedroom?        2. Can a bedroom be considered a quiet place?

Вопросы о Ванной комнате - 1. Why do people go to the bathroom?

2. What can a person do before going to a certain place inside of a bathroom?

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