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Перевести текст на язык."носорог-одно из крупнейших животных африки. носорог имеет толстую кожу в складку. на голове у носорога есть 1-2 рога.у носорога хорошо развиты слух и обоняние, но видит он плохо. носорог травоядное животное. живет носорог более 35 лет. носорог занесен в красную книгу."

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Ответы на вопрос:

Rhino- first from the largest animals of africa. the rhinoceros has thick skin pleated. on the head of the rhinoceros there are 1-2 horns. at the rhinoceros the hearing and sense of smell are well developed, but he sees badly. rhinoceros herbivore. there lives a rhinoceros more than 35 years. the rhinoceros is included in the red book.

Rhino - one of the largest animals of africa . rhino has a thick skin in the folds . on his head rhino rhino is 1-2 roga.u well developed hearing and smell , but sees he is bad . rhino herbivores . rhino live more than 35 years . rhino listed as endangered .

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