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Correct the sentences 1)d.defoe wrote nis novels in the 19th century. 2)d.defoe wrote nis novels about r. crusoe when he was 30. 3)the story of r. crusoe is the authors imagination. 4)the novel wasnt popular in the 18th century,it became popular lafer. 5)d.defoe didnt write his book for children. 6)d.defoe is called "the father of english prose"for his detective stories

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1)д. дефо написал нис романы в 19 веке. 2)д. дефо написал нис романов о р. крузо, когда ему было 30. 3) р. крузо-это фантазии авторов. 4)роман был популярен в 18 веке,стало популярным лафер. 5)д. дефо не написать свою книгу для детей. 6)д. дефо называют "отцом прозы"для своих детективных перевод, вот держи)

My name is vita and i’m 13 years old. i’m often asked these days what i want to become in the future. it’s not an easy question to answer, because there are so many interesting professions. my parents tell me i should choose what’s best for me. at school i’m rather good at algebra, geometry, computer science and pe. perhaps, computer programming would be a good choice in the era of computing, but i’ve decided to become an economist. in my opinion, it’s one of the most demanded and prestigious professions nowadays. it involves lots of self-education, research and analyzing, which can be interesting for me. studying economics i can learn a lot about current state of our country in the world market. things have changed in this field lately and i want to stay up-to-date and well-informed. economists exercise many useful functions. for example, they can calculate costs and probable profits, provide business forecasts, monitor taxation levels, determine enterprise structures, investigate international economic situation, etc. all these activities seem to be rather exciting. i understand that i need some personal qualities to succeed in this profession, such as analytical mind, logical thinking, ability to be concise both in writing and speaking. thus, i will work hard to achieve better results. if i get a chance, i will spend a year abroad doing the internship program. it can be good experience for me. moreover, knowledge of foreign languages, especially of english is appreciated in the field of economy.

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