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42 за ! опустите союз в следующих условных предложениях, сделав соответствующие изменения в предложении. ex.g.: if we had gone there later, we would have seen them. – had we gone there later, we would have seen them». 1. if i had time, i should study french. 2. if you should find them, kindly let me know. 3. if they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there. 4. if i had seen him yesterday, i should have told him about it. 5. if he were here i should speak to him. 6. if he were in town, he would help us. 7. if he should come, tell him to wait. 8. if i had enough money, i would travel. 9. if i were you, i should go there immediately. 10. if i were in his place, i should refuse.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1had i time,i should study french. 2should you find them,kindly let me know. 3had they called at the office все предложение с этого места до конца. 4had i seen him yesterday, 5were he here, 6were he in town, 7should he come, 8had i enough money, 9were i you, 10were i in his place,

раз, два, три, четыре, пятьудалось кита пойматьшесть, семь, восемь, девять, десять,выпустил его из сети.  часть2  почему ты его отпустил? так ведь пальчик он мой укусил! какой укусил он пальчик? мизинчик на правой, значит..ну вот как-то так  

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