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Поставьте слова в скобках в нужную правильно заранее the history of houseworkis the history of everything. housework (change) an amazing amount in only the last hundred years or so.the invention of electricity was very important, and it (lead) to the arrival of the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the dishwasher, and so on. housework (be) much (hard) without them fifty years ago.it is not just technology that's different-these days, most husbands (expect) by their (wife) to share the housework. overall, then, we can see a great improvement in relation to housework, especially for (woman) although the environmental cost of modern housework is high.

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5надо исправить. нравильно будет wives

1) changed  2) led 3)was harder 4)expecting -не уверен 5)wifes 6women


They didn't swim in the sea;They didn't catch any fish;They didn't eat in the restaurant;They didn't read any books;They didn't drink any juice;They didn't meet any relatives.

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