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С! 1.selfish people only care about . a. themselves b. ourselves c. themselfs d. myself 2.you argue with the head teacher. a. mustn`t b. need to c. can d. must 3.they decided to travel by plane. a. the b. a c. - russian federation is one of biggest country in world. a. -,a,- b. the, the, the c. the, - ,the d. a,a,a e. -, the, the 5.he go to the cinema tomorrow. a. need to b. - c. might d. must e. should love makes world go round. a. b. a, a c. -, the d. the, the e. a, - 7.it is sad. i have free time. a. some b. any c. no d. many 8.i`m going to buy apples. a. no b. some c. - d. any 9.dan invited alice for dinner. a. the b. - c. a 10.i am sorry i come yesterday. i work late. a. could, must b. couldn`t, must c. couldn`t, had to 11.she is right, i agree with completely. a. him b. them c. me d. her 12.they understand chinese. a. mustn`t b. are to c. couldn`t d. can 13.you stop smoking! a. ought to b. might c. must d. should 14.have you ever been to france. a. a b. the c. - 15.they are travelling in europe. a. - b. the c. a 16.we decided to stay in grand hotel. a. the b. a c. - 17.he did his work without difficulty. a. some b. no c. any d. - introduced his wife to the guests. a. i b. he c. we d. she 19.thank you, dear. it was very nice breakfast. a. the b. a c. - 20.james took the book and opened a. him b. her c. it d. itself 21.i`d like water, please. a. - b. something c. some d. no e. any 22.we had delicious meal in that cafe. a. the b. - c. a capital of united states of america is washington. a. b. the, the, the c. the, the, - d. the, -, - 24.what do you usually eat for breakfast. a. a b. the c. - 25.you respect your parents. a. need to b. should c. must

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1) a 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) e 6) d 7) c 8) b 9) c 10) c 11) d 12) d 13) c 14) c 15) a 16) a 17) c 18) b 19) b 20) c 21) c 22) c 23) c 24) c 25) b

Вот почему британцы говорят "у других стран климат,в у нас погода".погода в маняется быстро.иногда британцы погоду разных времен года в один день.люди часто говорят что британцы погоду всё время.это преувеличение   ,ведь погода это отличный способ что бы начать разговор с незнакомцем.ведь всегда можно поговорить о переменчивой погоде,даже с человеком которого вы не знаете

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